Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Words For Thought And Then Some Turns Two - A Look Back

I'm sitting at my desk staring out the window watching the wind whip the trees and shrubs around - I'm half expecting Dorothy and Toto to come flying by - trying to think of something to write about. I'm sure you've hear of Writers Block well in my case sometimes it's more like Writers Cement, so to kill some time I started reading through some recent posts.

In the first paragraph of  "It's A New Year - How About Those Resolutions"  there's a reference to "Where does the time go" which then got me thinking about how long I've been writing this blog and after looking back discovered it's been two years.

I'd forgotten about a lot of the past posts and was having a good time reading away when suddenly the old proverbial light bulb turned on, I had an idea. How about a post that recaps the last two years featuring some of my favorite posts.


Ok, this is going to be just a short rant about computers. They are terrific when they work and if you understand what your doing.

What do the following have in common? Boxes of odds & ends collecting dust in the basement. Bags of discarded curtains, bedspreads and pillows in the attic

What comes to mind when the words English Cottage are mentioned, thatched roofs, stone exteriors, fences and informal gardens.

Shrinking Food Portions - What's Next, Empty Containers
This Rant is actually written for my husband as he is the one who seems to notice what I'm about to talk about. "Shrinking Food Portions" or as he likes to put it "I Swear This Use To Be Bigger".

Relaxing Front Porches - I'm Sure We Could All Use One
Oh to sit on a comfortable front porch and wile-away some time thinking about absolutely nothing, can't you just picture it.

Dr Seuss - Illustrator, Author, Teacher of Children 
 “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”





Books & Children - Spark Imagination, Creativity And Learning
Time for another Book Review, this time I'm going to talk about children's books. I started thinking about this particular subject after a recent post I wrote on Dr Seuss.

You'll Discover Something New, Everytime You Open A Book
Do you remember back in school - Book Reports - Book Fairs - Required Reading - I do and I also remember how annoying it all was.

Mom vs The Mower - Who Will Win
It's time for another rant. There's a battle brewing at my house, involving myself and the push mower.

Farewell To The Goblin King
Hearing the news this week about the death of David Bowie was sad, I've been a fan for a long time. I spent some time looking up articles and remembering favorite songs but the idea for this post came from an e-mail.

As I stated at the beginning I'd forgotten about a lot of the previous posts and it was fun going back and rereading them. So here they are ten of my favorites and just in case your wondering there are two that get the gold star   "Mom vs The Mower - Who Will Win"  &  Farewell To The Goblin King.

P.S. I admit this post is a bit of a cheat,  I didn't actually spend time writing anything - just copy and paste -  but being the author I say it still counts.

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