
The Spring Season & Home Decor - A Fresh New Look - Open Windows … Curtains fluttering from a warm breeze … The air smells fresh and clean … Buds on the trees are beginning to open … Tiny flowers are beginning to pop out of the ground … Finally that little bird with the red breast is back

Oh, To Live In A Farmhouse - Have you ever thought about living in a farmhouse, no well I have. I'm not exactly sure what the appeal is, maybe it reminds me of my grandparents (which really makes no sense, as they never lived in a farmhouse) or a simpler time.

Warm Up Your Home Decor For The Winter Season  - The holiday's have come and gone (reminds me of the Wizard "Things Come And Go So Quickly"), every year it's the same and every year I'm always amazed at how fast Thanksgiving and Christmas fly by.

Give Cabinets A Brand New Look With These Simple Ideas  
Has your kitchen become just a bit ho-hum and a renovation is a out of reach? In a recent Better Homes & Gardens weekly newsletter I found some really cute and fairly simple updates for cabinets.

Accessorizing The Kitchen - Your Families Gathering Spot - Thinking back I realize when growing up the only time my family was in our kitchen was to eat, well times have certainly changed.The kitchen in many homes today has become a multipurpose room and families are spending a lot more time in them.

Add A Warm Inviting Glow To Your Home With Candles - Now I don't know about everyone but I love candles and use them in my home all year long. In fact I feel that accessorizing with candles has really become a must when it comes to home decor.  With the variety of scents and accessories that are available it’s not a wonder.

Collectibles - What's Your Passion - What defines a collection - "A collection is anything involving three or more of the same thing or items that are related. So, are you a collector?

Three Weeks Until The Official Beginning Of Fall - According to the calendar the official beginning of fall is the 22nd of September, although with the projected forecast this up coming week you'd never know it's only three weeks away.

Christmas - The Countdown Has Begun
It seems hard to believe that it's time for another Christmas but as always time has a way of just flying by and there are only twenty-one more days until that magical day arrives.


Make A Splash In The Bath - Decorating A Kids Bathroom
If your children are lucky enough to have their own bathroom why not turn it into a room they enjoy being in, a room that's not only fun but showcases their personalities.

Change The Dynamics Of Any Room With Paint
Have you ever found yourself walking through a room in your home (one you've most likely walked through thousands of times) when you suddenly just stop, look around and think - or if your like me you talk to yourself out loud - "God this room is boring".

A Bookcase Is Not Just A Bookcase Anymore
When someone says the word "Bookcase" what comes to mind - well someplace to store books of course. That's always been my thought but today's bookcases are not just used for holding books. People now showcase everything from photographs, art objects, pottery, baskets and yes books.

Summertime & Outdoor Living - A Perfect Fit
What's not to love about summer, warm temperatures - which I can tell you is a wonderful change from the long cold winter here in the Northeast - longer days, blooming flowers and vegetables picked fresh from the garden.

Sweet Dreams For Precious Babies - Getting A Nursery Ready
Children are our greatest treasure and welcoming a new baby or babies is an exciting joyous time and I can't think of a better way to welcome this new family member or members home than with a room put together with love especially for them.

Let Color Speak To You - Nature Inspired Color Palettes
If by some chance you've been contemplating making a change to a room in your home - of course we all know changing the paint color is the easiest - but are finding yourself stuck, look to nature for some inspiration.