Saturday, January 11, 2014

Warm & Brighten Up Home Decor For The Winter Season

The holiday's have come and gone (reminds me of the Wizard "Things Come And Go So Quickly"), every year it's the same and every year I'm always amazed at how fast Thanksgiving and Christmas fly by.

So what next, well here in New England it's at least several more months of snow, ice and cold temperatures (just makes you want to move here right) well I do live here and actually love it, not the winter just the area. There are two words that I use to help myself get past the ho-hums of Winter - "Warmth & Brightness".

Better Homes & Gardens

Something I've found that helps brighten rooms is to keep window treatments completely open during the day, even on a somewhat cloudy day some light is better than none. I also make sure to clean the windows (inside of course but when possible do the outside) on a regular basis, this guarantees plenty of bright light is coming into the room.

Pottery Barn

Bedrooms are a perfect place for winter decorating after all you want to be cozy and warm while your sleeping. A fluffy thick comforter is a good place to start with lots of pillows (this can be the pillows you sleep with or decorative throw pillows or a combination of both) finish off with a cozy throw (perfect for when your relaxing with a good book, or taking a snowy afternoon nap). 

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Another way to brighten and cozy up your home is with accessories, in the picture above (Courtesy of Pottery Barn - Love That Store) the room is not only bright but what really stands out are the pops of color - White Tulips in the glass vase and the Indigo Blue Pattern pillows, you couldn't help but feel good walking into this room.

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Several more ideas to help get your creative juices flowing -  Create some fun at meal time, by using some fun-colorful whimsical dishes - Candles are a perfect way to not only add warmth to your home they also help to stimulate your senses - Consider swapping out some of your current wall decor for something a little funky and colorful.

Don't let the Winter ho-hums get you, add a little color create some warmth then open the curtains stand back and say 

"Go Ahead Let It Snow"

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