Seasonal & Holiday Decorating

Warm & Brighten Up Home Decor For The Winter Season 
The holiday's have come and gone (reminds me of the Wizard "Things Come And Go So Quickly"), every year it's the same and every year I'm always amazed at how fast Thanksgiving and Christmas fly by.

The Spring Season & Home Decorating - A Fresh New Look 
Open Windows … Curtains fluttering from a warm breeze … The air smells fresh and clean … Buds on the trees are beginning to open … Tiny flowers are beginning to pop out of the ground … Finally that little bird with the red breast is back

Three Weeks Until The Official Beginning Of Fall - According to the calendar the official beginning of fall is the 22nd of September, although with the projected forecast this up coming week you'd never know it's only three weeks away.

What Would Fall Decorating Be Without Pumpkins
Fall / Pumpkins don't those two words just seem to go together? Pumpkins are a must for decorating both inside and outside during the fall season.

Halloween - History & Traditions
Halloween is coming up this week, now I have to admit this is not one of my favorite holidays. Of course when I was a kid dressing up and collecting candy was a big deal and when our daughters were young we continued the tradition.

Time For Gathering & Giving Thanks Has Come
Another year has almost come to a close but before that officially happens two very important family events must occur. As it's November 17th I think you can guess which holiday this post is about, only eleven more days until Thanksgiving.

Christmas - The Countdown Has Begun
It seems hard to believe that it's time for another Christmas but as always time has a way of just flying by and there are only twenty-one more days until that magical day arrives.

Looking Forward To The Fall Season 
I don't know about anyone else but I'm tired of Summer, here in the Northeast we have had way too many humid days and its got to go.