My Rants

Computers A Modern Marvel - If You Speak Their Language
Ok, this is going to be just a short rant about computers. They are terrific when they work and if you understand what your doing. I do not by any stretch of the imagination profess to be a computer wizard,

Another Snow Storm Arrives In New England - "Not Again" 
Time for another Rant. Annie Lennox sang a song titled "Here Comes The Rain Again", I'd like to redo the lyrics a bit. "Here Comes The Snow Again / Filling Up My Walk & Driveway Again" Ok, so I won't be quitting my day job to become a song writer, couldn't get out to record anyway.

Shrinking Food Portions - What's Next, Empty Containers  
I was sitting here the other night (getting my head screwed on straight) when I realized I haven't written anything in a bit. So I thought I'd write a short Rant about the cold, well something occurred after dinner that made me rethink my post.

Mom vs The Mower - Who Will Win - It's time for another rant. There's a battle brewing at my house, involving myself and the push mower. A week-ago on a Monday I decided to get the mower out and start trimming around the yard.

Is The Time Between Seasons & Holidays Shrinking 
Time for another of my Rants. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the time between seasons and holidays is shrinking? The other night while looking at a website my husband mentioned that they had back to school specials.

 "Generation Like" - A New Term I Recently Learned About
Good Afternoon and welcome to another "Rant" - this will be a very short one. I was watching an episode on FRONTLINE entitled "Generation Like" this morning and found myself sitting after it was over saying "My God how things have changed".

Deja - Snow! - Here We Go Again

I haven't ranted about anything for a bit so I thought "Hey" why not today. As I'm sitting here looking out the window can you guess what it's doing? Well I'll tell you "It's Snowing" now seeing how I live in New England and it's winter that really should not be a surprise.

Still Feels Like Summer To Me 
So I'm reading news articles on Earthlink today and I discover that it's "Fall". No that was not a typo and yes, you read it right, according to meteorologists. "Meteorological fall" begins today and includes the entire months of September, October, and November.

When Did A Simple Trip To The Grocery Store 
My husband and I made a trip to the grocery store here in town on Friday, it was a little later in the afternoon than we would normally go so quite possibly the time of day could have added to what we encountered.

The 20th of March was the official start of Spring and to that I say "Phooey", why so harsh well it's now the 25th of April and it's just beginning ( I'm talking minute ) to show some signs of the season.