Thursday, February 13, 2014

Another Snow Storm Arrives In New England - "Oh, Not Again"

Time for another Rant. Annie Lennox sang a song titled "Here Comes The Rain Again", I'd like to redo the lyrics a bit. "Here Comes The Snow Again / Filling Up My Walk & Driveway Again" Ok, so I won't be quitting my day job to become a song writer, couldn't get out to record anyway.

Yet another snow storm has arrived in New England - "Oh Joy" (said sarcastically) -  The catchy name for this one is "Storm Pax". I know what your thinking, "You live in New England, it's Winter" and you would be completely right. But there comes a point when you say "Enough is Enough".

These two pictures should give you a fairly good idea of why I'm having a snow rant today.

The pictures were taken only a little over an hour apart, which tells you how fast the snow was falling earlier today. It's currently 3:43 pm, and the snow has let up considerably, but (drum roll) sleet and freezing rain are following on the heals of the snow. "Happy, Happy - Joy, Joy" (again with the sarcasm).

I think her face says it all

Oh to put leashes on our Shelties and just walk out the door - instead of first snow blowing paths around the yard, putting on a coat, hat, gloves and boots, then walking out the door.

I'm ready for Spring, you remember Spring - Warm breezes coming in the windows, flowers poking through the ground, leaves starting to appear on the trees.

According to "The Old Farmers Almanac" in 2014, spring begins on March 20 at 12:57 P.M, only 35 days to go. But we all know that isn't written in stone. Well, one can dream.....

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