Odds & Ends

Feeding Your Backyard Feathered Friends - Every where my family has lived there was always one important question "Is there a place to hang a bird feeder" now I know this might seem like an odd thing (compared to other considerations when moving into a new home) but we have always enjoyed watching birds.

"Ooh, This Is So Cute, I'm Buying It" - It's Called Impulse Buying  
What do the following have in common? - Boxes of odds & ends collecting dust in the basement - Bags of discarded curtains, bedspreads and pillows in the attic. It could mean you have a hard time parting with anything, however in this case all these point to decorating attempts gone astray.

English Cottages - Imagine Living In A Real Life Storybook
What comes to mind when the words English Cottage are mentioned, thatched roofs, stone exteriors, fences and informal gardens. I think of these things too along with cozy, peaceful, enchantment and whimsical,

Relaxing Front Porches - I'm Sure We Could All Use One
Oh to sit on a comfortable front porch and wile-away some time thinking about absolutely nothing, can't you just picture it. 

Hummingbirds … Attracting The Little Flying Powerhouses
Hummingbirds, what's not to love - their tiny, extremely entertaining and wow can they fly. That's the reason I call them the "Little Flying Powerhouses".

Words For Thought And Then Some Turns Two - A Look Back 
I'm sitting at my desk staring out the window watching the wind whip the trees and shrubs around - I'm half expecting Dorothy and Toto to come flying by - trying to think of something to write about.


Outsmarting A Cunning Little Mouse
Needless to say we eventually started using feeders with an outside cage but I know right about now you're more than likely saying "What has this got to do with a Mouse". Well actually nothing but stay with me there is a motive to my madness it's one word "Determination"

How A Dog Bone Container Caused A Reorganization Of The Kitchen
I consider myself a pretty organized person, although I'm sure if asked, family members would say it's more like being a bit obsessed with it. That maybe true I don't know all I do know is clutter - in any form - drives me crazy and when I need something I want to be able to just find it.

This Post Is Long Over Due - Let's Catch Up
Not sure what you think but I personally think seven months is a long time for a post. So you may ask "What's your excuse" umm - I'm thinking - OK, the answer is "I don't have one" other than the truth which is I just simply got out of the habit.

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