Sunday, April 22, 2018

This Post Is Long Over Due - Lets Catch Up

Not sure what you think but I personally think seven months is a long time for a post. So you may ask "What's your excuse" umm - I'm thinking - OK, the answer is "I don't have one" other than the truth which is I just simply got out of the habit.

Rather than dwell on that I thought we just might move on and catch up since the last post, which by the way was September 3rd, yup I know.

So Christmas came and went we had a really good one this year, my Mum came down from New Hampshire and all our little people were just that much bigger so they really got into opening and playing with presents. The day went by way too quick but we all had a good time and enjoyed being together.

I decorated a little different this year, neither myself or my husband really wanted to fool around with a large tree - not a lot of room and for most of the time it's just us here - so we opted for tabletop trees. I found a really good deal for two from Big Lots they came prelit with pinecones and red berries, one was used in the livingroom the other in the kitchen.

I was really happy with the decor this past year and took lots of pictures but to keep this post from being miles long I just picked out four of my favorites - which was not easy as I loved everything.

Into the New Year we go and the next big event was the Twins - or Munchkins as we affectionately call them - second birthday. It's still hard sometimes wrapping our heads around the fact that they are two already but time does fly by. I also should mention that this is also our daughters - the twins Mom - birthday, how about that having twins on your birthday.

My husband and I along with our oldest daughter - known as "TT" to the girls - and our handsome grandson - who will be two this September, - something else to boggle the mind - got together with the birthday girls  - all three of them - a couple of days before their actual birthday.

It was a fun afternoon, lots of laughter but the best was spending the afternoon with not only our precious "Little People" but also with our two beautiful daughters.

Easter was next and I had a lot of fun making baskets for the "Little People". I wanted to get some type of basket that could be used after for storage and I found some adorable burlap baskets with an inked image of a rabbit at Wal-Mart.

The girl and boy bunnies were also purchased at Wal-Mart - they are so cute - we then filled them with just simple odds and ends coloring books, reading books, toys for the bath and a chocolate bunny - those were mainly for the parents ha-ha-ha.

I've also included a picture of what the resident Mommy's put together for baskets, they did a really good job, they are without a doubt my daughters.

The last thing is going to be about "Spring" and I'm using that word loosely as you'd be hard pressed to find any indication of that season here in the Northeast. I don't really do a lot of Spring decorating but I decided to spruce up our porch a little, it's enclosed and the main entrance into the house. Now there is a story about purchasing items - there were not that many - and the weather but that's going to be saved for a Rant post.

I wanted to put a new wreath on the door as the one that was there has been hanging there for a long time. All the supplies, wreath, flowers and leaves were purchased at Wal-Mart for around $11.00, it's really simple but gives a Spring look to the door. There were extra flowers and leaves so I put them into clay pots on the windowsills.

This adorable white resin bunny and boxwood candle ring were purchased from KP Creek and they are sitting inside a large hanging candle lantern, again really simple but cute. I also purchased two pillow covers for the wicker chairs - they are burlap material with a sunflower on each - and a new rug.

That's pretty much all the back news and hopefully it won't be another seven months before another post.