"Did You Know"

A Little Fun Trivia
While looking through my latest issue of Good Housekeeping (a birthday subscription from my Mum) I came across a little trivia on Ziploc Bags.

Everyday Phrases - Ever Wonder Where They Originated From
Don't Beat Around The Bush" - "It Cost An Arm & A Leg" - "That Drives Me Nuts" These are phrases we have heard and used over and over without giving them a second thought.

Morton Salts Umbrella Girl Turns 100
"When It Rains, It Pours" I don't think there are to many people who when hearing that phrase don't immediately think "Morton Salt" or recognize the trademark logo of the little "Umbrella Girl". But did you know that the little girl is celebrating her 100th birthday,

Cadbury - Sweet Confections For Almost Two Hundred Years
Chocolate, are you a lover well I know I am and I'm sure as like myself you've eaten some type of chocolate bar from Cadbury.


 Play-Doh... An Interesting Beginning
I remember playing with Play-Doh and I'm sure you do too, in fact I think it's pretty safe to say that every one has played with Play-Doh at some point in our lives but have you ever wondered where it came from or who came up with the idea.

It's A New Year - How About Those Resolutions
Time has a way of sneaking up on us, so many times events will happen and I find myself thinking "Where does the time go", well it's happened again with the beginning of a new year.

New England Stone Walls - Each One Tells A Unique Story 
What comes to mind when New England is mentioned - Fall Foliage, Old Barns, Covered Bridges, Maple Syrup - yes that's true but there is another symbol within the states that make up this part of the country that you might not be aware of it's "Stone Walls".

Halloween - History & Traditions
Halloween is coming up this week so I thought I'd take this opportunity to not talk about or post pictures of Halloween decor but instead write about the history and traditions of this October holiday. 

Put Pen To Paper - It's National Handwriting Day
While browsing around CNN's website I came across an article about an unofficial holiday I had no idea existed, apparently today January 23rd is "National Handwriting Day".   

Peanut Butter - An American Staple
While putting together the National Day Calendar for April I discovered that National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day is celebrated in April. Probably like most people I love peanut butter which got me thinking - if you've read any of my posts this will not surprise you - how did this delicious comfort food come about.

The Greatest Show On Earth Has Ended It's Run
Have you ever noticed how you tend to take a step back and say "Wow" when you hear that something that has been around for what seems like forever

Marshmallow Fluff - A Lunchbox Icon Turns 100
Marshmallow Fluff plus Peanut Butter creates a sandwich that was a must have for many lunchboxes back in the 50s and 60s mine included. Of course that would be the "Fluffernutter", gooey sticky and oh so sweet