Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Ooh, This Is So Cute, I'm Buying It" - It's Called Impulse Buying

What do the following have in common?
  1. Boxes of odds & ends collecting dust in the basement
  2. Bags of discarded curtains, bedspreads and pillows in the attic
It could mean you have a hard time parting with anything, however in this case all these point to decorating attempts gone astray. Let me continue with a short story:

 "The Discovery" 

Once upon a time there was a very cluttered basement. Over the years the occupants of the home had done nothing but toss things down there. When it finally became obvious that the only way to get from one side to the other was with a road map, Mom decided it was time to clean house.

As she began going through the numerous boxes and after opening an infinite number of storage bags, she began to realize that one particular phrase was continually being repeated, "Why did I buy this". After what seemed like an eternity in the basement, she moved on to check other parts of the house. 

What she discovered probably could have been used in a Steven King novel, the abandoned items in the basement had multiplied and taken up residence in every out of the way space they could find. There were signs of them in all the closets, cupboards, under the beds even in the garage.

After giving it some thought, it became apparent that this was a case of Impulse Buying. Now don't worry there is a cure, it's called "Walk around the store with it for a bit, think about it then decide". Mom has since recovered from the dreaded impulse buying bug, has had a large tag sale and organized the basement. This family and their home now live happily ever after. 

"The End"....

Ok, this may have sounded a bit silly, but I think you've gotten the idea. At one time or another we've all done this. Been out shopping, spot something and say "Oh, this is really cute" then without fail it comes home with us. But, nine times out of ten it ends up put away because it's either the wrong color, turns out there is no where to put it or it just doesn't go with anything.

One way I've helped myself with Impulse Buying (oh, just in case you didn't figure it out - the facts in the above story are true and that Mom, well that was me) is by putting what ever it is I'm oohing and awing over in my cart, then carrying it around the store until it's time to check out. At that point I ask "Do I really need this" - "Where exactly is it going to go" - "Do I really, really love it", without positive answers it goes back on the shelf.

Now don't get me wrong, I still on occasion buy something on impulse. However if I do you know it's something I just love. I have my daughters doing this now, in fact there have been a few times that they have reminded me of my own rules (not always fun, but effective).

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