Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Relaxing Front Porches - I'm Sure We Could All Use One

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

Oh to sit on a comfortable front porch and wile-away some time thinking about absolutely nothing, can't you just picture it. Well I can, we have a front porch but it's so small (go ahead say it "How Small Is It") you really could not fit even a very small chair on it but I can still use my imagination.

We do have our deck but somehow that's not quite the same. In the mean time I guess I settle for looking at pictures and boy did I find some beautiful photos at Houzz which I'm going to share. Are you ready to start dreaming with me? Ok then lets get started.

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

The ceiling fan, wood clad ceiling and side lights really add to the appeal of this porch. Not to mention the traditional rocking chairs, just seems to say "Sit and Relax For A Spell".

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

This home is on a lake, wow can you imagine the view or sitting with coffee in the morning. I also like the stone bases for the front pillars, there's something very natural about stone (even if it's manufactured).

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

I love the rustic, whimsical touches to this porch. It makes it feel comfortable, almost playful in a way (not taking it's self to serious) and why not have a little fun. Isn't that the whole point of relaxing.

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

It's not very large but oh the charm of this porch. I love the two tones of wood (floor and door). Also love the black used on the trim and rocking chairs, I love using black it helps to ground everything. The same principle applies with your indoor decor, use at least one black item to help keep everything else grounded, give it a try you'll see what I mean.

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

I could spend hours on this porch. Now I know some might not like the fact that there are no railings  but I like the obstructive view it provides. Also love the rockers, after all what's a porch with rocking chairs.

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

Everything about this porch appeals to me. From the cute little bench to the wreath on the front door. Granted it's not big but it certainly would make company feel welcome.

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

I'm not sure if it's the porch that I like or the whole house in general. It's a "Farmhouse Style"  which happens to be one of my favorites so I guess the appeal is the whole house. All that aside, I do like the openness of the porch with an unobstructed view.

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

Maybe it's just me but this porch has a gingerbread feel to it, kind of reminds me of Martha's Vineyard. One thing I really like is the round gazebo type side, makes it a little different from the average straight across style. Of course that can make placement of furniture a bit tricky but that's half the fun. 

Relaxing Front Porches - Houzz

The final porch (had to make it an even ten pictures otherwise my youngest daughter would have had something to say. She doesn't like an uneven number of anything) is a traditional full length style again on a Farmhouse Style home. The brick walk-way and beautiful flower beds somehow just seen to beckon you to come and relax.

I sincerely hope you have enjoyed this dreamy tour of relaxing front porches but I'm afraid it's time to wake-up.

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