Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Is The Time Between Seasons & Holidays Shrinking - I Don't Get It

Time for another of my Rants. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the time between seasons and holidays is shrinking? The other night while looking at a website my husband mentioned that they had back to school specials.

At first this didn't register, (maybe because we no longer have school age kids) I replied "That's nice" but a half second later I said "Wait, what did you just say". He repeated what he had said (there was a reason he brought this up) which then got me thinking (yup, there are those odd ball thoughts again) "Here we go again".

This is not a new thought, I've been grumbling (hence the rant) about this for a long time which is why my husband mentioned it. Now I could be completely off with this but it just seems that long (in some cases months) before a season or holiday is over another has moved right it. I know we all like to be prepared and get ready early but come on, I feel like before you know it there will be just one giant season/holiday.

Of course I should not be surprised with any of this, manufacturers and stores need to sell and competition is fierce, it makes perfect sense hurry - hurry - hurry and we feed right into it (at no fault of our own).  I envision newspaper ads looking like the one above. Hey, you know maybe it's not a bad idea - One combined season/holiday, think of the time and money saved - Just in case you missed it that was sarcasm, I like separate seasons and holidays but more important I like time to enjoy one before another occurs. 

Well here is my plan, it's July 15th and as far as I'm concerned that means it's still Summer. Therefore, I'm going to continue enjoying the warm weather, sunshine, BBQ's and flowers. I'm not going to think about the next season (which of course would be Fall) until at least mid to late September so the stores and online sales will just have to wait for my business until then.

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