Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Shrinking Food Portions - What's Next, Empty Containers

Hello, It's me - I know it's been a bit since my last post, a lots been going on here. Anyway I was sitting here the other night (getting my head screwed on straight) when I realized I haven't written anything in a bit. So I thought I'd write a short Rant about the cold, well something occurred after dinner that made me rethink my post.

This Rant is actually written for my husband as he is the one who seems to notice what I'm about to talk about. "Shrinking Food Portions" or as he likes to put it "I Swear This Use To Be Bigger".

This all started awhile back over potato chips, he likes to have salsa & chips with dinner (don't ask) and there are certain types of chips that are his favorite. Well one night he opened a bag and began commenting on the amount of air in the bag. Of course I just continued fixing dinner not really paying a lot of attention. I'm not a big chip eater so I really could not say for sure if he was right or just imagining it.

Fast forwarding, he was occasionally still commenting on the chip bags full of air but now he began commenting on something else that seemed to be shrinking. The item was a frozen pizza, now we have been buying this particular brand for a long time and I had to admit the pizza did look smaller than before (keep in mind the box was still the same size).

Next came bags of coffee that were no longer a pound, a certain brand of frozen chicken that contained a lot less pieces of chicken and boxes of pasta (particularly the spaghetti) that in the past would not only feed the four of us but there would be some left over. Now this same box feeds the two of us with hardly any left for another meal.

Well needless to say I have now begun to agree with his ranting about this. This brings me to the incident from the other night that sparked this post. We typically have some type of dessert after dinner, nothing big or fancy just a little something. We had gone grocery shopping over the week-end and a particular brand of cookie was on sale.

Of course we purchased them as they are hardly ever on sale and the regular price is nuts (like that's a big surprise these days), anyway after dinner I opened the cookies and the first one my husband took out of the package he turns to me and says "Didn't These Use To Be Bigger". Of course my first reaction was to start laughing (he's done this so often it's become a bit of a joke within the family) however, when I looked a bit closer at my own cookie I realized he was right.

Again as before the package was the same size, but the cookie was smaller than we remember. So I guess from now on when he says "Pretty Soon You'll Just Be Buying The Empty Containers" we will all be agreeing with him.

Have you read my previous Rants? 

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