Thursday, January 30, 2014

Computers Are A Modern Marvel - If You Speak Their Language

Ok, this is going to be just a short rant about computers. They are terrific when they work and if you understand what your doing. I do not by any stretch of the imagination profess to be a computer wizard, however I have been using one for quite awhile, plus I do consider myself a some what intelligent person. That is until something on this marvelous machine goes wrong.

As I stated in my very first post, I'm new to blogging but I did build and maintain a web-site for a number of years so I assumed (I have always told my kids "Never Assume Anything", guess I should listen to myself for a change) that this would be fairly easy.

Well for the most part it is, I've made a few blunders here and there but I'm slowly getting it. That is until yesterday afternoon, when suddenly all my pictures from every post I've written so far on this blog where gone.

I'm talking every single picture, then the panic set in "What Happened" - "What Did I Do" - "Where Did They Go" - "How Do I Fix This".

So now I begin the pains taking, headache causing search to get answers to those questions "Ha-Ha-Ha" good luck (many of the "How-to Fix" answers need a "How-to Understand" manual).  Long story short, I finally discovered what had happened and how to fix it, are you ready for this...

"Reload Every Single Picture"

Yup, that was the answer and so began a long, long, long night. But in the end everything turned out fine, as I've put everything back together again (sounds like an egg story I've heard).

In closing the moral here grasshopper is "If your not really sure what your doing, then please don't do it". Or ask someone who understand the gobbledygook language.

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