Saturday, January 25, 2014

Oh To Live In A Farmhouse

Farmhouse Decor
Have you ever thought about living in a farmhouse, no well I have. I'm not exactly sure what the appeal is, maybe it reminds me of my grandparents (which really makes no sense, as they never lived in a farmhouse) or a simpler time.

Now that I really think about it, I believe it simply comes from a feeling. When you hear farmhouse what word comes to mind - Country - and what words best describe county - Warm, Cozy, Comfortable, Family, Friends - so I think this is why I find the Farmhouse Style so appealing.

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz
So what do you do if you don't happen to live in a farmhouse and the odds of buying, then moving into one is slim to none Well turn to the next best thing, use decor through out your home that says Farmhouse Style.

A good place to start this makeover is at the front door. To me nothing says "Farmhouse" like rocking chairs on the front porch. It just seems to say "Sit, relax, visit for a bit".

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz
I Love the contrast between the black rockers, shutters and white exterior of the house. If your not into rockers (or limited space prevents them) another option is a porch swing.

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz

The combination of the black front door (I love black doors) wood floor, wreath on the door just add to that comfortable charm. Now speaking of wood floors, this is another element to Farmhouse style decorating.

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz

Here is where you will need to decide between "Solid Hard Wood" or "Laminate Flooring". There are pros and cons with each product.
  • Cost: Per square foot laminate will cost less than hardwood
  • Installation: For a DYI project, laminate is easier to install
  • Durability: Hardwood will last a lifetime or more
  • Refinish: Hardwood can be refinished many times, laminate cannot

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz

Wood countertops in the kitchen is another common element in this particular decorating style. It seems like the trend today (I personally don't follow trends - I'm a do what I like person) in kitchen counters is granite or stone. Now please don't get me wrong, these materials are great and I've seen some beautiful counters covered in them but when your talking about farmhouse remember the words warm and cozy. Wood just seems to bring out those feelings.

Common Countertop Woods:  Bamboo - Mahogany - Teak - Black Walnut

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz

Open shelving is another way to bring the Farmhouse Style into your home decor. The thought of having shelves open to the elements collecting dust might make some of you run for the hills but I can tell you from personal experience it's not as bad as you might imagine. Another piece of advice if your worried about cleaning the shelves, limit how many items you put on them (this really does make cleaning easier). If you don't have the space for free hanging shelves removing a cabinet door to two will achieve the same effect.

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz

Last but certainly not least is one of my favorite parts of decorating, adding the "Accessories". This is without a doubt the easiest way to bring the Farmhouse Style into your home (it's also a way to put your personal stamp on a room), no renovating, remodeling required, it's simply a matter of finding items that have a farmhouse look and feel to them.

TJ Maxx Homegoods, Tag Sales, Flea Markets even estate sales are a good place to find hidden treasures not to mention you won't have to pay a fortune for things (as I don't have the proverbial money tree in my backyard, this works for me) besides, things old and worn fit perfectly in this style of decorating.

Farmhouse Style Exterior - Houzz

Warm - Cozy - Relaxing, Let your house say "Glad your here, stay for awhile" with Farmhouse Style Decorating.  Just don't be surprised if no one including yourself will want to leave.


Sherri Beaudreau said...

This is so well written and gives so much good information along with so many helpful ideas that one may not think of on their own to make their home into their dream "Farm House" because like Bonnie has stated we all may not have that perfect old farm house but we can sure add some touches to make it our own! Oh and I don't say this just because Bonnie is my beautiful mother!! : )

Unknown said...

Sherri - Thank you so much for your wonderful comment (and of course it had nothing to do with you being my daughter ha-ha-ha) I'm glad you enjoyed it and found it to be useful. Now I know that your home already has a Farmhouse Style feel to it but I hope this has maybe given you some new ideas.

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