Thursday, March 6, 2014

Control The Paper Avalanche

Little yellow post-its with phone numbers, reminders and lists, mail consisting of bills, letters, magazines and store flyers and paper work brought home from school. It all comes in the door and tends to land on the first available flat surface, a table in the front entry, the kitchen table or the counters. Eventually those single pieces of paper turn into piles of paper. As these piles grow there is only one outcome “An Avalanche Happens”. It’s time to take control before you become buried under this paper storm.

Where To Start

Ideally it’s best to begin with the existing piles of paper, by sorting it into categories. These might consist of the following: Bills, Magazines /Catalogs, School Related Items, Manuals, Take-Out Menus, Phone Numbers/Addresses and Junk Mail. Once this is done, it’s time to go through each category weeding out things you don’t need. All this can be a daunting task, but try not to get discouraged the end result will be well worth the effort.

How To Organize

Phone Numbers & Address - Keeping an up-to date address book more often than not does not work well. You write information into it then someone moves or changes their number, so you cross out the old info then try and squeeze in the new. Eventually you end up with a very messy book, making it hard to find the information you need.

The easiest solution is to keep all contact information in an address book on your computer. However, if your at all like me and feel the need to also keep a hard copy – computers are wonderful but things do happen – a book with plastic sleeves will solve this problem. Lined index cards are perfect for writing names, address and phone numbers on, these then slip into the plastic sleeve. If family, friends or business contact information changes it’s easy to slide out the card and replace with a new one or flip the card over to use the other side. This is also a great way to keep track of Internet user names and passwords.

Appointments, Messages, To-Do Lists & Events

Here’s where your kitchen counters can and many times do turn into paper magnets. Phone messages written on post-its, To-Do and grocery lists written on scrap pieces of paper then if you have kids you need to throw in permission slips, event notices, lunch menus and phone lists. Before you know it all flat surfaces and quite possibly the front of the refrigerator are covered, trying to find something in this jumble can add unnecessary stress to an already busy life style.

A dry erase board hung next to the phone will eliminate the use of sticky notes. Write the callers name, phone number and the time of the call. To-Do lists can be handled in this same manner. As messages are handled and tasks are completed erase from the board.

Papers coming home from school can be divided up into the following categories: Time Sensitive - permission slips, event notices - General Information - lunch menus, phone lists. A cork board or magnetic strip hung on the wall will not only help keep the counter top free, it will also ensure these items are seen regularly. 

Time Frame For Documents

Not sure how long to keep certain documents? Follow the guidelines below to ensure what you need is at your fingertips.

  • ATM Receipts - 1 Year
  • Bank Statements - 1 Year
  • Medical Payment Records - 1 Year
  • Pay Stubbs - 1 Year
  • Canceled Checks with Tax Implications 7 Years
  • Credit Card Stmts with Tax Implications - 7 Years
  • Pay Stubbs that reflect additional Tax Deductions - 7 Years
  • Home Loan Records - As Long As You Own The House
  • Insurance Records - As Long As You Have The Policy
  • Deeds, Car Titles, Major Purchase Receipts - As Long As You Own The Item
  • Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses, Insurance Policy Information - Forever, In A Fireproof Box
  • Wills, Beneficiary Information, Retirement Plan Documents - Forever, In A Fireproof Box

By taking some time now, your paper clutter can be contained and organized before it turns into an avalanche.

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