Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Still Feels Like Summer To Me

So I'm reading news articles on Earthlink today and I discover that it's "Fall". No that was not a typo and yes, you read it right, according to meteorologists "Meteorological Fall" - who thinks up these terms - begins today and includes the entire months of September, October, and November.

Ok, well from where I'm sitting here in the Northeast it certainly still feels like summer and according to the extended forecast it's going to continue this way pretty much right through September. I vowed at the end of last winter that no matter how hot and humid it got this summer I was not going to complain especially after the long cold winter we endured.

Sorry to say I've pretty much lost that battle, the summer started out not bad but over the last month - around here at least -  it's gotten hot and has stayed that way. Needless to say that vow I made has been broken, bottom line "I'm sick of it" and would welcome cooler weather.

Reading that article today certainly did not help, considering the first day of Fall doesn't officially start - according to the calendar anyway - until the 23rd of September. Guess I'm going to keep the fans and AC's running a little longer - at least the power company will be happy - and wait. Maybe while I'm patiently waiting - said sarcastically - I'll start looking at Fall decorating ideas, who knows it might help.

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