Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Spring Season & Home Decorating - A Fresh New Look

Pottery Barn
Open Windows … Curtains fluttering from a warm breeze … The air smells fresh and clean … Buds on the trees are beginning to open … Tiny flowers are beginning to pop out of the ground … Finally that little bird with the red breast is back

All of these can only mean one thing “Spring” has arrived. Those days of blustery storms and frosty drafts have come to an end.With spring comes a renewed burst of energy, having been shut inside for months we now want to get up, get going and do things.

This presents a marvelous opportunity for home decorating, a chance to give the inside of our homes a fresh clean look to match the emerging new look outside. You'll now want to think light, bright and breezy, exactly like a beautiful spring day.The following are a few ideas to help get you started.

Bring in spring with accessories - Floral arrangements, Lighter weight throws, it can still get a little chilly in the evening, Decorative pillows in lighter colors or with a floral pattern. Lighter window treatments made from a linen or sheer material. If you feel really ambitious, a new wall color would certainly brighten-up any room.

Lighter weight area rugs like sisal, will also work great into the summer, as they are easy to clean. Choose a natural color sisal rug and get creative, use stencils, paint squares, stripes or apply appliques.

Pottery Barn
Another must have for Spring are fresh smelling candles. Please don’t think candles are only for chilly winter months - Oh no no no. There are some wonderful lighter scents that would without a doubt complement your lighter decor this spring.

Think Cherry Blossom - Freesia - Spring Lilac, if you shut your eyes can’t you just feel those warm welcoming Spring breezes. When choosing your candles pay a visit to my two favorite candle companies, Village Candle & ’McCalls Candles.

McCalls Candles - Village Candle

No matter what changes you decide to make in your home decorating this spring here’s something to remember, “As the days become warmer open those windows and let the fresh air fill your home.”It’s one of the best ways of bringing spring in and best of all its Free.

One final thought, even though the snow is gone and the grass is turning green, please remember our feathered friends. They will always give us enjoyment and entertainment no matter what the season maybe.

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