Monday, January 13, 2014

Marz & Mollie - Two Adorable French Bulldogs

I would like to introduce you to Marcellous Wallace & Mollie Belle, two very adorable French Bulldogs. These two comical fur-babies belong to our daughter (who will tell you without hesitation that they are the cutest Frenchies ever) & son-in-law.

Frenchies - "Marcellous Wallace & Mollie Belle"

First a little back ground information on French Bulldogs for anyone not familiar with the breed.

Frenchies were bred in the 1800's by lace makers first in England then in France. The breed is small and muscular with a heavy bone structure, smooth coat, short face and their trademark Bat ears.

Coat colors can be Brindle, Black Mask Fawn, White, Cream, Brindle Pattern, Brindle Pied and Fawn Pied. There are other colors and combinations, however what's listed here is the AKC standard color coat. Height is 12inches and Weight can range from 19 to 28lbs.

Being a flat-faced breed causes breathing issues, they snort and snore when sleeping. It is impossible for them to regulate their body temperature efficiently due to their bulk and compromised breathing system. As they are prone to heat stroke precautions should be taken when exercising during hot or humid weather. In addition, they are top heavy and therefore have difficulty swimming.

Playful and affectionate, their loyal and loving nature makes them a wonderful companion dog. While good at alerting their owners to danger ("Look, The UPS Guy is coming") their main role is that of lap warmer. 

Frenchies can be a challenge to train due to their willful and stubborn nature. They require patience, repetition and early socialization...

Now back to our resident Frenchie Fur-Babies.

Marcellous Wallace (aka Marzy, Marzipan, Mac&Cheese, Little Mac) is our daughter's first Frenchie, he is a Brindle and turned three this past Saturday. The first time he came to visit he was so small he literally fit in your hand and had enormous Bat Ears (my first thought "He looks like Yoda"). Obviously he has grown into those ears and is now without a doubt a very Handsome Boy.

As mentioned above in the information they snort and snore; having been around Marzy for the past three years I can tell you their snorting and snoring is Loud - Loud - Loud. I remember asking my daughter many times how they were able to sleep at night with him in the room. Well as with all things it's something you get used to but when we are altogether it still makes the rest of us laugh.

Marzy also gets into what we like to call "Devil Mode", this is when he gets crazy and races around the house, stopping in front of you and making the strangest noise (kind of a combination growl ... gurgle) then your job is to stamp your foot and he's off again. This game can get repeated 4 or 5 times, typically until he's tired.

Of course like "Lays Chips" one Frenchie is never enough, so now there are two. Say Hello to Mollie Belle (aka Molz Smalz, Mollie Girl, Little Girl).

Mollie will be eight months old this Wednesday and she is almost bigger than her brother. She is a Black Mask Faun and is an absolute love bug, however she is also a handful. She is loaded with energy and loves to get into anything and everything, beating up Marz is one of her favorite past times. I guess none of us should be surprised with her personality when you consider how she arrived here.

"Don't Let This Cute Puppy Disguise Fool You, I'm A Little Devil"

Our daughter bought her from a breeder down south, she was due to fly here with one short stop. Well that didn't happen, she was late getting to the connecting airport, missed the flight and had to spend the night kenneled. Needless to say our daughter was upset but Mollie arrived safe the next afternoon and has been driving her parents nuts ever since.

My husband & I are of course partial to our beautiful Shelties, but I will say that having had the opportunity to spend time with these precious fur-babies that French Bulldogs are a wonderful dog. I can also tell you from our experience that when they say Frenchies are clowns and stubborn, boy are the experts right.

"This Vacation Is Boring, Let's Go Home"

One final note, our daughter is the first one to admit that these two are spoiled, but when you've spent time with them your only thought is "I Can't Help It".

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