Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Purrfection" - A Tail Of Two Cats

As I mentioned in my first post we have two adorable cats currently living with my husband and I, they belong to our youngest daughter who is not able to have them in her current apartment. About four years ago we sadly lost our last cat but up until then we have always had multiple kitties in our home.

Boone who is seven and Rayne who is three came to stay with us about a year ago and it didn't take long for us to realize how much we've missed having cats in the house.

Best Friends - Well, Most Of The Time

It didn't take long for them to settle in, they were use to us already and they got along with "The Boys" (our Shelties) right from the start. But as with any cat it also didn't take long for them to take over, where they sleep (where ever they want) yelling for treats and water from the facet - will explain that in a moment.

Boone an orange and white tabby (the seven year old) is not like most cats, he is extremely friendly, loves attention and actually comes when you call him. One of his favorite things is to come up behind you and butt your shin with his head, now this is ok during the winter when your wearing long pants. However in the warmer weather or first thing in the morning when your shins are uncovered trust me when I tell you it hurts. He really makes us laugh when he looks up at you opens his mouth and nothing comes out.

A Couple of Boone's favorite poses
Now Rayne on the other hand is a little more cat like, aloof, wary of strangers and totally ignores you unless he wants something. Although we have also seen a lovey and comical side to him, this is where the facet water comes in. If you happen to be standing at the sink in the bathroom he appears out of nowhere, jumps up and yells until you turn on the water so he can get a drink. He will also try to get into the tub when your showering, he is the first cat I have ever had that likes water. He will do this even if you are not anywhere near the sink, just stand in the doorway and yells (the word loud does not even begin to describe it) until you turn on the water.

Rayne's when he's trying to be cute.

These two beautiful fur-babies have become so much a part of our home and lives that we jokingly (maybe) have told our daughter that we are keeping them. Of course that's not true, they are her babies and as soon as she is able they will live with her once more. We do know one thing for certain, when they have moved my husband and I will be getting another cat because as any cat lover will tell you "A Home Is Not Complete Without A Cat".

 "Life Doesn't Get Any Better Than This - Purrfection"


Unknown said...

Love this!!

Unknown said...

Some how I knew you would. Now the babies are famous, let's just hope they don't let it go to their heads. After all, they are spoiled enough as it is

Unknown said...

My babies are not spoiled!!! (hehehe)

Unknown said...

Well, just a little but they are worth it - ha-ha-ha

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