Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Year - Rediscover Your Inner Child

Hello, It's 4:43pm and I'm sitting in a semi-dark room ( Just have not gotten around to turning on a light yet ) on a very dreary Monday. The weather here in the Connecticut has been nuts over the past week. Snow - Frigid Cold - Rain - Warm Temp back to Snow - Frigid Cold and now today Rain with cold moving back in tonight.

Now my Grandfather ( a true New Hampshireite, new word for Webster ) had a favorite expression "Don't Like The Weather, Wait A Minute It Will Change" which totally hits the mark here in New England. Now I do realize that it is just the beginning of January and constant changes really should come as no surprise but I'm over winter already.

Some of this comes from the previous week-end when our oldest daughter and son-in-law moved into their first new home. Yes, it's exciting but trust me not when you load and unload a moving truck (which by the way you have to shovel the driveway in order to get the truck in and out) in frigid cold temperatures. Then to add insult to injury the furnace is not working properly.

So while I've been sitting here today thawing out I decided to update some of my boards on Pinterest, mainly "Quotes For Thought". While doing this I began to think about some of the quotes which then started me thinking about the new year and how we are always going to make changes. You know what I'm talking about the famous New Year Resolutions that are made but some how always seem to slip through the cracks.

I Love Dr Seuss and at first this quote appealed to me because it was funny. However, after reading it several times I started thinking about how serious we become about life as we grow up. As adults of course we must be serious about jobs, paying bills, raising a family but in doing this I think we also lose something important.

Think for a minute about what makes children so special their ability to be silly, spontaneous, creative and most important to just have fun. I believe it's possible to be the responsible serious adults we need to be without losing that spark we started out with as children. So why not try to do something everyday that might be considered just nonsense, chances are you might find something you didn't even know you were missing.

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