Thursday, May 1, 2014

Accessorizing The Kitchen - Your Families Gathering Spot

Houzz - Kitchen Ideabook
Thinking back I realize when growing up the only time my family was in our kitchen was to eat, well times have certainly changed.The kitchen in many homes today has become a multipurpose room and families are spending a lot more time in them. Yes, meals are still prepared and eaten there, but doing homework, paying bills, entertaining friends and in some cases relaxing in front of the TV is also finding it’s way into the kitchen. With today’s busy lifestyles, more and more families are finding that their kitchen is the “Family Gathering Spot”.

Houzz - Kitchen Ideabook
Because we are spending more time in the kitchen, it’s the perfect room to make inviting, cozy and warm, the perfect place to spend time in with those you love. A new look to your kitchen can be achieved without a total renovation. Renovations cost money and let’s face it most of us don’t have money trees growing in our back yards - well, I know for sure that I don't.

Kitchen Accessories - Pottery Barn
That being said, an easy way to give your kitchen some zing is by using accessories. Items like Dinnerware - Placemats - Canisters - Dish Towels - Mixing Bowls are things most of us already have and if not they are not terribly expensive. Other ideas could include Apothecary Jars (filled with colorful beans, pasta or nuts) - Cookbooks (stacked on the counter or a shelf) - Novelty Salt & Pepper Shakers - Oil Bottles (Used for dish liquid or lotion).

Kitchen Accessories - Stonewall Kitchen
Baskets are another great accessory for the kitchen that can serve double duty. Whether it’s wire, woven, plastic or wicker, baskets can be used for a multitude of things. A pretty basket filled with decorative dishcloths and towels add warmth to counter tops. Plants and flowers are another terrific accessory; they bring added color and texture to the room. Don’t be afraid to use artificial, they are made so well today it’s hard to tell the difference, plus they are really easy to care for, a quick wipe with a damp cloth is all that’s needed.

Houzz - Kitchen Ideabook
If your not sure exactly what you want a Theme will sometimes make choices easier. This could come from a particular color you love, a collection you might have, a favorite print or a vacation you took. Another place to look for inspiration is with a design style you find yourself drawn to. Magazines, Design Web Sites even just wandering around one of your favorite stores are terrific ways to get ideas. While your browsing, remember not everything needs to be something specifically made for the kitchen. With a little imagination you'll be surprised what uses you'll find for things.

Houzz - Kitchen Ideabook
Changing your curtains to something with more color or pattern is a quick change that will give the kitchen a new look without costing a lot. Even something as simple as using a new tablecloth can make a difference.

Houzz - Kitchen Ideabook
Whether you opt for a full renovation or are content to just freshen up you accessories, enjoy the gatherings that occur in you kitchen. Those memories are priceless.

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