Wednesday, March 2, 2016

National Day Calendar - March

If your looking for something other than "Saint Patrick's Day" to celebrate in March the following dates - courtesy of National Day Calendar - are a few fun and unusual ideas for things you might not know about.

March 3rd - National Cold Cuts Day
Dagwood, eat your heart out. Call them lunch meats, deli meats, sandwich meats or cold cuts. Some like them thick, while others stack them mile high. Others still just like them with cheese and crackers.  However you like them, National Cold Cuts Day was made for sandwich and snack makers.

March 4th - National Pound Cake Day
Pound cake lovers, near and far, can celebrate with a piece (or two) of this delicious rich delight. The traditional recipe for pound cake makes a cake much larger than most families can consume, as it calls for a pound each of  flour, butter, eggs and sugar.  Hence the name Pound Cake.

March 5th - National Cheese Doodle Day
Are you ready for a great snack and orange fingers?  Their crunchy, orange deliciousness is enjoyed around the world! They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and flavors and 15 million pounds are produced annually.  

March 6th - National Oreo Cookie Day
Be ready to observe by having your glass of milk handy. Since it’s introduction, the Oreo cookie has become the best selling cookie in the United States.

March 7th - National Cereal Day
Get your bowl and your spoon ready. Since the end of the 19th century, cereal has become America’s most popular breakfast food. Do you remember mornings eating a bowl of cereal, reading the back of the box and trying to find the toy inside the box?

March 8th - National Peanut Cluster Day
Melted chocolate mixed with peanuts are a perfect combination for a sweet and salty deliciousness few can resist.

March 9th - National Meatball Day
It is not clear how this day got  started, but who can resist the idea of celebrating National Meatball Day?  


March 10th - National Blueberry Popover Day
Popovers are a light, airy roll that puff up when baked, popping over the edge of the tin.  They are light and crispy on the outside, while the inside warm and often hollow, and can be filled with custards, creams and fruits for a sweet treat, especially blueberries.  

Now I realize this is only ten days but to list all thirty-one days this post would go on forever, also I only picked one observance from each day. Visit National Day Calendar for more unusual things to celebrate during the rest of March.

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