Saturday, June 14, 2014

"Trooping The Colour Ceremony" - Queen Elizabeth II Birthday

BBC News
The "Trooping The Colour" ceremony took place today in London to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II birthday. My Mum and I have always been interested in the Royals and English history, of course the fact that my family is of English decent (both my mums parents ancestry traces directly back to England) makes it that more interesting for us. My fathers family descends from Scotland so it's an interesting mix to say the least.

The Queens actual birthday is the 21st of April however, it has long been the tradition to celebrate the Sovereign's (a monarch; a king, queen, or other ruler) birthday publicly with the ceremony of Trooping the Colour on a Saturday in June.

BBC News
The tradition of Trooping the Colour - Trooping the Colour is carried out by fully trained and operational troops from the Household Division (Foot Guards and Household Cavalry) on Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall, watched by members of the Royal Family, invited guests and members of the public.

This military ceremony dates back to the early eighteenth century or earlier, when the colours (flags) of the battalion were carried (or 'trooped') down the ranks so that they could be seen and recognised by the soldiers. Since 1748, this parade has also marked the Sovereign's official birthday, from the reign of Edward VII onwards.

BBC News

During the ceremony, The Queen is greeted by a Royal salute and carries out an inspection of the troops. After the massed bands have performed a musical 'troop', the escorted Regimental Colour is carried down the ranks. The Foot Guards and the Household Cavalry then march past Her Majesty, and The King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, rank past.

BBC News

The Queen rides in a carriage back to Buckingham Palace at the head of her Guards, before taking the salute at the Palace from a dais. The troops then return to barracks. Her Majesty then joins other members of the Royal Family on the palace balcony for a fly-past by the Royal Air Force. The Queen has attended Trooping the Colour every year of her reign, except in 1955 when a national rail strike cancelled the event.

BBC News

 Pomp & Circumstance - The Brits do it so well.

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