Monday, February 2, 2015

Deja - Snow! - Here We Go Again

I haven't ranted about anything for a bit so I thought "Hey" why not today. As I'm sitting here looking out the window can you guess what it's doing? Well I'll tell you "It's Snowing" now seeing how I live in New England and it's winter that really should not be a surprise. So why the rant you ask, it's because it's just been one week since the last snow storm.

Look simalar, well it's the same car but different storms. The one on the left was from last Tuesday (you remember the "Historic Blizzard") and the right photo is from today.

Here's two more for you, "Mr. Fix-It" clearing snow last week (on the left) and out there today (right photo) doing it all over again. As I said this is New England and it is winter so I should not be surprised that it's snowing. I'm not a snow person, you know the people who just get so excited about snow because they like to ski, snowboard or go sledding, well I'm not in that group.

If you do happen to be one of the snow people then great go out and have fun, I prefer open windows, warm weather and puttering in the gardens. So my rant today is because I'm thinking about how much time there is to go before I'm able to do what I prefer. Oh, and to make matters worse I read on Earthlink this morning that that chubby fur-ball better know as Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and you know what that means. More winter for the snow people and a longer wait for the rest of us, it's the nature of the beast.

My husband cleans off the deck after each storm, he still likes to BBQ (yes, even in the winter) but I'm looking forward to being able to sit out there again when it's warm and have flowers growing. Talking earlier about people who actually like the snow I almost forgot to mention that these consistent snow storms are also good for the weather people, it gives them more opportunities to (as we like to put it) "Whoop - Whoop" about the weather. 

This little guy showed up this winter, we have never seen a white bird like this. The picture does not by any means do him (or her not sure) any justice. For me it's the one thing about this winter that's been fun, watching him and all his friends come and empty the feeder and suet over and over.

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