Organization & Storage

Control The Paper Avalanche - Little yellow post-its with phone numbers, reminders and lists, mail consisting of bills, letters, magazines and store flyers and paper work brought home from school.


Simplify Your Life - Four Tips For Clearing Clutter - Spring is officially only a couple of week away, you remember Spring - Fresh breezes through open windows, sleeping trees come awake with bright new leaves, flowers begin to bloom and the grass becomes green once more.
Organizing & Stocking A Pantry - What is a pantry - Simply put a pantry is any cool dry place to store nonperishable food items. Any size home can have a pantry, whether it's a separate closet off the kitchen, designated cabinets, a freestanding cabinet or shelves in the basement.

Storage Ideas For A Small Space -  "Extra Storage" this phrase can be a real nemesis to many people, especially when dealing with small spaces. We all need a way to organize and conceal our stuff (does anyone remember George Carlin's take on "Stuff") which can be a challenge when space is limited.

Home Staging - Let Your Home Shine To Prospective Buyers 
Before opening the door to prospective buyers, you may want to consider staging. What is Home Staging? Simply put, it's a way to highlight your home's strengths, downplay its weaknesses and appeal to the greatest possible pool of prospective buyers.

Home Staging - Part 2  - Dressing The Home: Here is of course the last but equally important action. Your never sure when a showing will happen and even if you have one scheduled or an open house, you want to give the buyers a feeling of warmth and friendliness when they walk through the front door.

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