Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Take A Trip To The Fair

"I took a trip down to look at the fair - When I arrived I found Food, Animals, Crafts & Fun"

The State Fairs have begun which is a sure sign that the Summer Season is coming to a close. Everyone seems to have a favorite part about a fair, I know mine are the animals and of course the food. So many things to pick from and the best part is for one day you throw caution to the wind and eat what ever you want.  Hands down my two favorites are Corn Dogs (never eat greasy stuff like that) and fried dough with powdered sugar (talk about an energy boost).

Plan an outing with your family to your local fair - have some fun eating, playing games, riding the carousel, watching a horse or cattle show or just sit and people watch. Every state in this country has there share of fairs, I'm going to mention several of the larger ones here where I live in Connecticut.

Located on the Brooklyn Fairground off Rt 169 in Brooklyn Ct. this is the oldest continuously active agricultural fair in the United States. When you visit you'll find draft horses, livestock shows, home and garden exhibits, live entertainment, historical displays, special daily events, midway and great food. 165th annual fair this year.

Officially known as the Hebron Harvest Fair located on Rt 85 in Hebron Ct.  Another of the states major agricultural fair where again you'll find livestock shows, midway, exhibits, continuous stage entertainment, magic show, small animal barns, arts and crafts, food and product booths. 44th annual fair this year.

Located at the junction of Routs 169 & 171 in South Woodstock Ct.  This is Connecticut's second oldest agricultural fair featuring crafts, lots of food, livestock shows, petting zoo, free stage shows, midway, go-kart races, Better Living Center, vegetables, flowers, strolling entertainers, and much more. 154th annual fair this year. 

Located on the Durham Fair Ground at the junction of routes 17 & 68 in Durham Ct. This is Connecticut's largest agricultural fair with nationally-known country music performers, thousands of exhibits, midway, lots of food. An old-time country fair in a typical New England village.  94th annual fair this year.

Over the years my family has visited all of these fairs and have enjoyed ourselves. I think we had the most fun at them when our daughters were young. Also, every one of the towns mentioned are what you would imagine for New England. Beautiful old homes, lots of woods and farms, they give you a peaceful feeling while there.

One last note - The beginning sentence in this post is actually a line from a song titled 'Trip To The Fair" from the album "Scheherazade and Other Stories" by the band Renaissance. But of course I modified it just a bit.

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