Friday, August 29, 2014

Labor Day 2014

It's happened again, another summer season is at a close - time has a funny way of making things just seem to fly by. As always Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September which becomes a three day week-end. But before the relaxing, BBQ, and gatherings begin what is the history of this holiday.

Labor Day is a dedicated to honoring and remembering the achievements of the US worker. It is national celebration which recognizes the contributions the American worker have made to the prosperity of this great nation. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and in 1894 President Grover Cleveland made it into a federal holiday.

A few interesting facts about Labor Day:

The Central Labor Union observed the first Labor Day holiday in 1882 in New York City.
Labor Day marks the end of the summer season, the beginning of school and the start of football season.
According to the rules of fashion, Labor Day Weekend is the last official time where wearing white is appropriate.
Because of the large numbers of potential customers free to shop, it also became an important  sales week-end. 

Of course for most of us the idea of having three days off is blissful not to mention it's the perfect time to get in one last big party or BBQ with family and friends. Lots of good food, plenty of fun playing backyard games, letting the kids have one last week-end of crazyness before the school schedule begins. 

What ever your plans for this long week-end - Enjoy, Be Safe, Have Fun. But before the festivities begin maybe take a moment to remember what this holiday is all about.

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